Daytime and evening appointments available.  07425 605 039          

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Data Protection:

Your individual rights under the new GDPR legislation entitle you to: 

  • Be informed about the personal data I hold on you
  • Object to the processing of your personal data
  • Restrict the processing of your personal data
  • Rectify your personal data
  • Erase your personal data

You can exercise your Individual Rights at any time without charge.

The data collected on you:
At your initial consultation you will be asked to complete a consent form with details including your name, date of birth, address, emergency contact and medical history. After every session I will write notes about the treatment including the initial complaint/reason for treatment, assessment notes and treatment administered.

What is this information used for?
This information will help me tailor the treatment to you specifically as well as to get to the root cause of the problem as quickly as possible.

Who is this data shared with?

If I have reason to believe further medical assistance is required then I will let you know. If I need to share my notes with your doctor (or another medical professional) then I will ask your consent.

How is this information stored?
I retain the paper form that you have signed in a locked cabinet, secure in my home office. This is kept with my assessment notes and your data protection preference form. You can request to see these notes at any time.

How long will you keep it for?
I retain your file for 7 years after your last treatment, or, in the case of minors, 7 years after they turn 18.