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wound care

How Wounds Heal

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and protects you from bacteria and the outside world. It also helps regulate your body temperature, and lets you feel heat and cold, rough and smooth. It is made up of three layers – The epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. Wound Healing: When your skin […]

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Types of Scars

Your skin type can affect several things – the visible signs of ageing, likelihood of developing acne, resistance to UV rays, and the rate at which scars heal. These are measured on the “Fitzpatrick” Scale. Skin types are grouped by your genetic predisposition to melanin, which is the chemical that provides pigmentation in skin. Dermatologists

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Cesarean Section

Caesarian Section

When you see how many layers of the abdomen are cut in a Caesarian section to get to the baby, we can realise what a major operation it is. No wonder that sometimes the resulting scarring causes tightness, pain and discomfort. If your C-section scar is feeling tight or sore and causing you discomfort,

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