Dealing with Scars in High Movement Locations
Wounds to parts of the body that contain a joint can be slower to heal. Movement in these areas make it difficult for the body’s healing process to “flow” as intended, due to disruption of the repairing tissues. Other areas with more movement, such as the hands, feet and face can also heal slowly. This […]
What is this? A Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of your Uterus (Womb). This surgery may need to be performed for a number of reasons, usually if all other treatments have been unsuccessful. Most women who need to have this procedure are aged 40-50. It can used to treat a number of gynaecological problems such […]
Your skin is your largest and heaviest organ and has a surface area of between 1.5 and 2m square. It is soft and flexible and performs a number of very important functions. These include Protection from the outside environment, Thermal regulation, Detection of sensation and Preventing Infection. It is made up of three layers – […]
Winter skin and scar care
Many of us feel our skin drying out during the winter months. This is usually due to being indoors more with artificial heat and less moisture in the air. Lower temperatures can also cause our tissues to shrink and tighten. This puts pressure on nerves and as different types of tissue react at different speeds, […]
Collagen and Vitamin C
Collagen Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies and is one of the major building blocks of bones, skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It accounts for about 30% of our protein composition and could be seen as the glue that holds us together. Our body makes this collagen by breaking down the protein […]
Spine Facts and Spinal Surgery
Spine Facts The human spine consists of 33 interlocking bones known as Vertebrae. This chain also involves more than 100 joints, 220 ligaments and 120 muscles. Often, medical professionals and therapists split the spine into 5 sections. These are called (from the top down) – Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum and Coccyx. The Spine’s main function […]
Summer Scar Management Tips
We all know that scars look and feel different from the skin they have replaced, but they also react differently to the sun. Now that Summer is here and we are trying to spend at least part of the day outside, extra care should be taken to avoid direct sunlight on all scars and particularly […]
Mastectomy and Reconstructive Surgery
What is a Mastectomy? A Mastectomy is the medical name for the surgical removal of one or both breasts. It is usually performed as a treatment or preventative measure for breast cancer in both women and men. A Mastectomy is often recommended when the tumour is large or there are multiple tumours throughout the breast. […]
Factors That Impact Wound Healing and Scaring
We all want our wounds to heal quickly and neatly but it’s a complicated process and sometimes other factors can slow it down. Slow wound healing often causes more scarring as the body gets stuck in the Proliferative phase which is when the new tissue is built. Here are some things that can slow down […]
Skin Health and Wound Care
Whatever our age, we all want to have the healthiest skin that we can achieve. Following these general tips should help you enjoy a smoother skin and may help to make your scars less noticeable: Stay hydrated. Drinking water improves your skin’s elasticity while reducing the signs of dryness and roughness. Eat foods high in […]
How Wounds Heal
Your skin is the largest organ of your body and protects you from bacteria and the outside world. It also helps regulate your body temperature, and lets you feel heat and cold, rough and smooth. It is made up of three layers – The epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. Wound Healing: When your skin […]
Types of Scars
Your skin type can affect several things – the visible signs of ageing, likelihood of developing acne, resistance to UV rays, and the rate at which scars heal. These are measured on the “Fitzpatrick” Scale. Skin types are grouped by your genetic predisposition to melanin, which is the chemical that provides pigmentation in skin. Dermatologists […]
Frequently Asked Questions about Scarwork™ (Scar Massage)
Who can Scarwork™ help? Anyone who has a scar from an accident or surgery could benefit from this gentle massage therapy. Find more information here.Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal but sometimes the process does not go smoothly and the end result is not an ideal repair. As the wound heals, different layers […]
Common complaints about Scars
Many people have scars that cause them no problems at all. However, there are a number of common complaints that I hear from clients who do have issues. When we have surgery or a deep, accidental wound many layers of the body’s structure will be damaged. This includes our nerves. When a scar forms, nerves […]
The Mental Impact of Scars
It is a sad fact of life that many people see scars as a disfigurement. They are often associated with “the bad guy” in a film or we try to cover them with heavy make – up, long sleeves or a high collar. In a society obsessed with beauty, this negative attitude can all too […]
Why Scars are like Mushrooms
Mushrooms: When you see a mushroom emerging from the ground, all you notice is the fruiting body of the fungus. Sometimes they can be tiny, sometimes they group together and sometimes they can be very large and obvious. Regardless of this they all appear to be a relatively confined structure. However, the part you see […]
Caesarian Section
When you see how many layers of the abdomen are cut in a Caesarian section to get to the baby, we can realise what a major operation it is. No wonder that sometimes the resulting scarring causes tightness, pain and discomfort. If your C-section scar is feeling tight or sore and causing you discomfort, […]