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Training as we age

training as we age

As you age, you will probably notice numerous changes to your body. Some of these will be a natural part of aging and some will be due to your lifestyle. If you like to stay fit and healthy through sports, you may find that your usual training regime is no longer giving you the results you want. Here are a few things to think about changing that can improve your outcome:

Weights –

As we age, we all naturally lose muscle mass. It is recommended that we undertake regular weight training to try to slow down this loss and keep ourselves stronger for longer.

Train smarter, not harder –

Try to find more efficient ways to train that are kinder to your body. Water based exercise puts less strain on the joints, Pilates and Yoga build strength without impact and Fast walking can give the same benefits as a slow run.


Occasional High Intensity Interval Training, either in a class or by yourself can help to maintain bone mass, fast twitch muscle fibres and cardio vascular health.

Recovery –

You will need a longer recovery after hard or lengthy sessions than you did when you were younger. Prioritise sleep, eat well and investigate other ways to help your muscles recover, such as massage, warm (or cold) baths, foam rolling and stretching.

Friends –

Training with like minded people will help you to have fun and be more consistent. Try not to worry about getting fitter or faster. Concentrate on slowing down the aging process and avoiding injury. This will enable you to continue with the sport you love for longer.

Self – compassion –

Finally, give yourself some slack. Your life now is completely different from when you were younger. More responsibilities, less time and an aging body. Sometimes you won’t see the results that you would like. But slow and steady often wins the day.

Please get in touch if you would like to find out how regular Soft Tissue Therapy can become a valuable part of your training routine.