It is a sad fact of life that many people see scars as a disfigurement. They are often associated with “the bad guy” in a film or we try to cover them with heavy make – up, long sleeves or a high collar. In a society obsessed with beauty, this negative attitude can all too often lead to low self – esteem and a difficult relationship with our bodies.
Logically though, scars are a natural result from any accident or surgery. Almost everyone we know will have a scar of some kind. They are the sign that the body is healthy and well enough to heal itself. Therefore, they should be seen as a good thing.
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Many of our surgical scars are caused by life saving operations, child birth or joint replacements which should enhance our lives but if they leave you feeling unhappy about your appearance then you won’t get the full benefit of the surgeons’ skills.
Here are some tips to help you deal with the negative thoughts you may have around your scars:
Think about the cause of the scar. Try to find any bit of good in the reason you have it.
Start teaching yourself to be more comfortable with the scar through looking at it more. You may have a more positive outlook after the first tip.
Gentle massage after your bath or shower can help to soften the scar and make you feel like it is really a part of your body and nothing to fear.
If the scarring has been caused by a traumatic event you may need professional help to come to terms with this time of your life.
Scarwork™ therapy can help to improve the feel and function of the scar and surrounding area.

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold resin and is built on the idea that by embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create a stronger and more beautiful piece of art.
When we expect everything and everyone to be perfect, including ourselves, we create a world where people’s positive qualities are overlooked in favour of their perceived flaws and our standards become impossibly limiting and unhealthy.
This 400 year – old technique highlights the “scars” as a part of the design. It shows us that when repairing things that have broken, we can create something that is unique and magnificent. This is true of people as well as pottery.
If you would like to have a chat about how I can help, please get in touch.