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10 Tips to get the most out of your Massage treatment

Massage Treatment

Whatever style of massage you chose and whoever you decide to work with, here are some top tips to help you get the best out of your appointment:

  1. Allow plenty of time to get to your appointment so you are not rushed and stressed before you start. Make sure to ask for directions when you make your appointment
  2. Be open and honest during the health screening part of your appointment. The therapist needs to know your medical history in order to give you the the most suitable treatment.
  3. Ask any questions as you go along. You will feel more comfortable and relaxed if you know what to expect.
  4. Only undress to your and your therapist’s level of comfort. Many techniques can successfully be done through clothing.
  5. Breathe and relax. This is your time so enjoy it.
  6. Trust your therapist. They should be well qualified to help you.
  7. Communicate your comfort levels throughout the session. Your therapist can adjust their technique to suit you.
  8. Ease out of the session. Don’t rush off. Take time to see how you feel and discuss aftercare.
  9. Hydrate well after a massage. Your body has had a workout.
  10. Book another treatment. The therapist will be able to suggest when you should return. For maintenance, monthly is good for most people.

If you need any help and advice about the benefits of a treatment and how I can help, please contact me.