Now that Summer has begun, we are all hoping for “good” weather. However, after the heatwave of 2018, we need to be prepared for it to be “too good”.
When exercising outdoors during the Summer months it pays to be aware of heat – related problems and plan to avoid them. Here are a few tips:
- Wear the right clothes
Clothing should be breathable, wicking and light-coloured. Don’t forget a visor or hat and sun-glasses.
- Stay hydrated
Especially important for longer runs or outdoor fitness classes. There are many options available for carrying your water with you.
- Go off-road
Tarmac absorbs heat and bounces it back on you. Trees provide shade. Look for routes depending on weather conditions.
- Listen to your body
Heat-related illnesses can be serious. Learn to recognise the symptoms and don’t ignore them.
- Don’t go it alone
Run with a partner, carry a mobile phone or consider telling someone where you are going. Seems overly cautious until it doesn’t.
- Run early or late
The sun is more powerful in the middle of the day so avoid it if you can. Run during the morning or evening instead.
- Don’t be a hero
When racing, accept the conditions and adjust your expectations accordingly.
- Wear sunscreen
Even in the evening or through clouds the sun can burn. Pay particular attention to shoulders and nose.
If you need help and advice with any training or injury and want to talk it through, please feel free to contact me .