Charcot Marie Tooth Disease
Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT) is a group of genetic conditions that affect the peripheral nervous system. These nerves connect the Central nervous system to the rest of the body. There are two main types (1 and 2) and many sub-types. In Type 1 CMT, the Myelin sheath of the nerves is damaged, in Type […]
With thanks to the NHS ( and Royal Osteoporosis Society (Royal Osteoporosis Society – Better Bone Health for Everybody) Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. It is sometimes called “Brittle Bone Disease”. Osteoporosis usually develops slowly and is often only diagnosed when a fall or sudden impact causes […]
Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that causes pain and tenderness all over your body. It is thought to be caused by confusion in your nervous system so that it is not able to control or process pain signals from other parts of your body. This pain may be particularly bad in certain areas and may […]
Treating Young People
Soft Tissue Therapy can be just as beneficial to young people as adults. I have treated a number of under 18s over the last few years, both for sports related issues and postural problems. Although it is usually a parent who contacts me for an appointment, it is vital that the young person is fully […]
Neck Muscles
There are many muscles in the neck that control head and shoulder movements and in this article, I am looking at four of the main ones that commonly cause problems. This short video also shows the effects that poor posture, while sitting, can have on this area. (2) Facebook. On my Business Facebook page, I […]
Ehlers Danlos Syndromes
This group of thirteen genetic conditions affect the body’s connective tissues. Although grouped together under the same name (EDS), each condition is separate and distinct. They are caused by a gene mutation which may be inherited and cannot be cured. Day to day management of symptoms is often based on Exercise, Physiotherapy and Self-care. The […]
Five Painful Conditions that Massage can Help
Massage has been used for thousands of years, in many cultures, to reduce pain and ease tensions. Here are Five common conditions where some Soft Tissue Therapy can often help. Low back pain – Low Back Pain is often caused by lack of movement or a simple muscle strain. Massage can help to loosen stiff […]
Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is usually defined as being pain that lasts for more than a few months. It commonly has no obvious cause and some patients struggle to find help from the usual medical sources. Sometimes there can be a diagnosed reason such as Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Diabetes or IBS, but not always. So why does it […]
Daily Healthy Habits
Many people would like to adopt a healthier lifestyle but may not be sure where to start. Here are 9 daily, healthy habits that we can all attempt to incorporate into our lives: 9000 steps per day – Getting more movement into your day is a great start. Steps can be counted with a simple […]
Relationship between Shoulders and Hips
Our hips and shoulders are often areas where we feel tense and achy, but they also have various other attributes in common and can affect each other: The shoulder and pelvic girdles form our Appendicular skeleton and attach our limbs to our trunk, Arms and Legs are attached using a Ball and socket joint which […]
Self Care
One of the main excuses we make for lack of self-care is that we don’t have the time. However, if we don’t make time to look after our physical and mental well-being then we get sick and waste more time that way. The trick is to find simple and easy strategies that you enjoy and […]
Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a condition of the nervous system. It causes an overwhelming and irresistible urge to move your legs and can also cause uncomfortable sensations in the feet, calves and thighs. These feelings are often worse in the evening or at night and RLS is associated with involuntary jerking of the legs […]
Flip Flops
Flip Flops may be your choice of footwear during hot, summer days but whilst they are great by the poolside, frequent use of these types of shoes can have a serious impact on your feet and leg health. Let me explain: Flip flops have little or no support in the sole. This means you are […]
The Vagus Nerve
The Vagus Nerve is the longest nerve in your body. Vagus means “Wandering” and this nerve connects your brain to many organs throughout the body including the gut, heart and lungs. Studies have shown that it plays a key part in your Parasympathetic nervous system which is the sub-system that controls our relaxation, digestion and […]
Ergonomic Lap Top Tips
With most of us working from home at the moment, sometimes with the whole family trying to study and work with limited space, it’s really important to use your laptop in a way that is not going to put stress upon your body and give you more aches and pains. Here are some tips to […]
Sciatica is a symptom, not a diagnosis. The term “Sciatica” means that you have pain radiating down your leg from your buttocks to your feet. Often, it’s not the whole way down the leg, but buttocks and thighs are commonly affected. This pain is caused by compression of the Sciatic nerve. It usually occurs on […]
There are many Vitamins and Minerals that our bodies need to stay healthy and active. I do not usually give nutritional advice to my clients but here is a short article covering some facts about Vitamins B, C and D. These particular vitamins are very important in the break down of food to produce energy. […]
Bones and Bone Health
Bone Structure: Our bones play many important roles in the body. They provide our structure, protect our organs, provide an anchor for our muscles and store excess calcium. Although it’s important to build strong and healthy bones during childhood it’s also vital to maintain their health as we age. Low bone mass can be a […]
A muscle cramp is a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles. Almost everyone will suffer with a cramp at some point and often the cause is not known. Though generally harmless, muscle cramps are very painful and can make it temporarilyimpossible to use the affected muscle. Most muscle cramps develop in the leg muscles, particularly in […]
Aqua Therapy for Back Pain
Most people with back ache are told by health professionals, including myself, to move more. The majority of lower back pain is caused by muscular tension and movement should ease that. But if your back hurts and you are feeling lethargic, a trip to the gym or pounding the streets in trainers is probably the […]
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which the median nerve of the arm gets compressed in a narrow tunnel passing through the centre of the wrist. This causes irritation of the nerve leading to tingling, pain and weakness. Typically, this problem affects the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Some people may also experience pain […]
Pain as a result of carrying your bag on one shoulder
Many people carry their handbags, backpacks or laptop bags on one shoulder and they tend to have a favourite side to carry it on. Even if the bag is empty and light, the natural slope of the shoulder means that they have to elevate the shoulder blade to prevent the bag from sliding off. This […]
Why is lack of sleep bad for your health?
We spend almost one third of our lives asleep but many of us suffer from poor sleep quantity and quality. This is likely to be caused by a number of factors with stress, lack of exercise and using screens late in the day often being blamed. If you wake up feeling tired and irritable and […]
Adhesions are fibrous bands, formed in the same way as scar tissue, which inhibit movement between soft tissues. They are often called “knots” and can form in muscles, ligaments or tendons. Sometimes they can form between muscles and nerves which will cause a tingling feeling in arms or legs. Adhesions stop the muscle, ligament or […]
Spring has sprung and many of us will be starting to spend increasing amounts of time in the garden. Some of this time will be spent relaxing but much of it will be hard physical work. Here are a few tips that should help you to avoid too many aches and pains after working in […]
Headaches and Migraines
Tension Headaches: Tension headaches are the most common form of this condition and many people will experience one at some point in their lives. Teenagers and adults are most likely to be affected, with women suffering more often than men. Symptoms include a dull head pain with feelings of pressure around the forehead, behind the […]
High Heels
High heeled shoes have long been an essential part of smart, fashionable dress. From court shoes at work to sparkly sandals on a night out, many people wear shoes with some kind of heel for large amounts of the day. Apart from aching feet, these un-naturally shaped instruments of torture (ha ha!!!) can have a […]
Motion is Lotion
In my profession, I often hear the expression “Motion is Lotion”. I take this to mean that the more we move, the better we move. Regular movement avoids stiffening of the joints and ensures that blood flow brings essential nutrients and oxygen to the muscles. Our bodies are not designed to remain motionless for any […]
Stress – How it can affect us
Stress is the body’s reaction to potentially harmful situations. These can be real or perceived but when we feel threatened, a chemical reaction occurs in our bodies that allows us to act and prevent injury. This reaction is often known as the “fight-or-flight” response. During this time our heart rate increases, breathing quickens and blood […]
Text Neck
Text neck is a modern term used to describe the neck pain and damage sustained from looking down. Usually at your mobile phone or tablet too frequently and for too long. The human head weighs about 12 pounds and should be positioned directly above the spine. As the angle of deviation from this position increases, […]
Christmas Shopping Hazards
For most people, the festive season includes a large amount of shopping. This can be for food or presents and can be a hazardous pastime. Here are a few things to consider to help you survive and even enjoy this busy time. Being on your feet all day: Always choose comfortable and supportive shoes before […]
Massage and Mental Health
Massage therapy of all types is becoming a popular treatment for the relief of sports injuries, muscle soreness and everyday aches and pains. However, its’ benefits are more than just physical: it is also an effective way to alleviate stress, depression and anxiety. The usual treatment for many mental illnesses typically includes taking an assortment […]
Air Travel and Deep Vein Thrombosis
What Is Deep Vein Thrombosis? Deep vein thrombosis or DVT, occurs when a blood clot forms in a major vein of the body. This occurs most often in the lower legs and can develop as a result of sitting still for long periods of time. Several factors make DVT more of a threat for those […]
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease where cartilage gradually thins and becomes rough. The loss of this protective cushion between bone ends can cause them to rub together and results in joint damage. The joints become swollen and painful and over time new osseous tissue is deposited on the bone ends in an attempt by […]
Why is sitting for long periods bad for you?
Lower back pain is very common with office workers and drivers. Sitting all day will lead to the lower abdominal muscles becoming lazy as they do not need to support the torso. This makes them weak and inefficient. When standing, the weak Rectus Abdominis (6 pack muscle) is unable to maintain the correct position of […]