Training as we age
As you age, you will probably notice numerous changes to your body. Some of these will be a natural part of aging and some will be due to your lifestyle. If you like to stay fit and healthy through sports, you may find that your usual training regime is no longer giving you the results […]
Five Training Mistakes to Avoid
We all want to get the best out of our training routine, but sometimes a simple error can ruin all your hard work. Here are five common mistakes that you should try to avoid: Not allowing enough time to achieve your goals: Before starting out, take an honest look at your current fitness level and […]
Dealing with Scars in High Movement Locations
Wounds to parts of the body that contain a joint can be slower to heal. Movement in these areas make it difficult for the body’s healing process to “flow” as intended, due to disruption of the repairing tissues. Other areas with more movement, such as the hands, feet and face can also heal slowly. This […]
Charcot Marie Tooth Disease
Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT) is a group of genetic conditions that affect the peripheral nervous system. These nerves connect the Central nervous system to the rest of the body. There are two main types (1 and 2) and many sub-types. In Type 1 CMT, the Myelin sheath of the nerves is damaged, in Type […]
With thanks to the NHS ( and Royal Osteoporosis Society (Royal Osteoporosis Society – Better Bone Health for Everybody) Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. It is sometimes called “Brittle Bone Disease”. Osteoporosis usually develops slowly and is often only diagnosed when a fall or sudden impact causes […]
Meniscal Tears
What is the Meniscus? The meniscus (plural Menisci) are two pieces of “C” shaped rubbery cartilage in your knee joints. Each knee has a Lateral (outer) and a Medial (inner) meniscus. They provide cushioning between the thigh bone and the shin bone and act as shock absorbers during high impact activities such as running and […]
What is this? A Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of your Uterus (Womb). This surgery may need to be performed for a number of reasons, usually if all other treatments have been unsuccessful. Most women who need to have this procedure are aged 40-50. It can used to treat a number of gynaecological problems such […]
How do Soft Tissues adapt to Training?
Here are some brief notes about how the tissues of our body adapt as we exercise and increase the load upon them: Muscles – It has long been accepted that muscle cells grow when subjected to regular bouts of exercise followed by periods of rest. When fed with sufficient dietary protein they enlarge as a […]
Managing Change
Training Successful training is all about managing change. The body you have today is the product of everything that has happened to you since you were born. What you have eaten and drunk, your activities, injuries, illnesses, work and play. This is because your body is constantly adapting to the stresses and strains put upon […]
Food and Water
Food for Fuel What you feed yourself (food and drink) should fuel your body. Particularly if you want it to work for you. Inadequate nutrition can increase the risk of sports injuries by causing loss of muscle mass and bone density. It can also increase fatigue. Our bodies need carbohydrate and fats to provide energy […]
Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that causes pain and tenderness all over your body. It is thought to be caused by confusion in your nervous system so that it is not able to control or process pain signals from other parts of your body. This pain may be particularly bad in certain areas and may […]
Inflammation is the body’s natural response to tissue damage. This could be from physical trauma, surgery, intense heat, infection or irritating chemicals. It is the way in which our natural defence cells leave the blood stream and enter the injury site. These cells can then prevent the spread of damage, dispose of cell debris, and […]
Oncology Scar Specialist
Many people with a Cancer diagnosis need to have surgery as part of their treatment. This surgery can leave them with ongoing complications and problematic scarring. Sometimes, the resulting scars cause discomfort, tingling or pain. They can feel lumpy or stuck down and this can lead to a reduction in range of motion. All of […]
Equipment Matters
Whatever the activity, using well-fitting and appropriate equipment can prevent both accidents and overuse injuries. This applies to day-to-day life as well as sports. Any relevant protective and safety gear should also, always be used. Anything from Steel toe cap boots to Cycling helmets, Rubber gloves to Tennis shoes. All specialised equipment has a purpose. […]
Treating Young People
Soft Tissue Therapy can be just as beneficial to young people as adults. I have treated a number of under 18s over the last few years, both for sports related issues and postural problems. Although it is usually a parent who contacts me for an appointment, it is vital that the young person is fully […]
Tips for New Mums
New Mums often complain of back pain. Considering the amount of lifting and carrying they do daily, it is not surprising that strains can occur. Although new born babies “only” weight 6 to 10 pounds, on average, they grow quickly and a 2-year-old toddler can easily weigh around 30 pounds. Frequently lifting and carrying this […]
Chemo and Radio therapies
Radiotherapy Radiotherapy is often used to treat those with a Cancer diagnosis. It can be used to cure the cancer, make other treatments more effective or to reduce the risk of the cancer returning after treatment. Radiotherapy can be given in several ways and is considered to be a very effective treatment after surgery. This […]
First Aid
In my profession it is important that I take regular training courses in First Aid. This will ensure that I am prepared to help my clients in the event of an emergency. We all hope that I will never need to use this training. How many of you are also aware of the simple, lifesaving […]
Low Back Pain
When pain strikes, particularly in the LOWER BACK, it is all too easy to reach for some tablets and visit the doctor. However, there are a number of tried and tested alternative treatments to deal with this problem once your G.P. has diagnosed a muscular issue: 1. Release some Endorphins – these are hormones produced […]
Your skin is your largest and heaviest organ and has a surface area of between 1.5 and 2m square. It is soft and flexible and performs a number of very important functions. These include Protection from the outside environment, Thermal regulation, Detection of sensation and Preventing Infection. It is made up of three layers – […]
Average Rehab timings
Realistic goal setting is vital when recovering from an injury. So often we rush back to activity far too soon and undo all the good work that we, our therapists and coaches have put in. This usually leads to further injury and months of frustration. The biggest risk of injury is a previous injury in […]
Neck Muscles
There are many muscles in the neck that control head and shoulder movements and in this article, I am looking at four of the main ones that commonly cause problems. This short video also shows the effects that poor posture, while sitting, can have on this area. (2) Facebook. On my Business Facebook page, I […]
What is Soft Tissue Therapy?
So what is Soft Tissue Therapy? Why not just call what I do Sports Massage? Well for a start, I don’t just help sports people. Soft Tissue Therapy is for all of us – Young or old, desk bound or active, injured or training well. Soft Tissue Therapy is the assessment, treatment and management of […]
Massage at work
Most people now have a good understanding of the benefits of massage. From relieving the physical discomfort of overtight muscles, to increasing the flow of blood around the body as well as lowering heart rate/blood pressure and the simple but powerful effect of feeling cared for, massages have a real impact on our wellbeing. But […]
Winter skin and scar care
Many of us feel our skin drying out during the winter months. This is usually due to being indoors more with artificial heat and less moisture in the air. Lower temperatures can also cause our tissues to shrink and tighten. This puts pressure on nerves and as different types of tissue react at different speeds, […]
How does Massage work?
Massage is known for its’ ability to get us to relax and to help ease our aches and pains. It has been used for thousands of years as a health and wellness tool, but how does it work? A caring touch applied in a safe manner can create a relaxation response in your nervous system. […]
Osgood Sclatter’s Disease
In Osgood Schlatter’s disease (or syndrome), patients suffer from tenderness and swelling at the top of the shin bone around the attachment site of the patellar tendon. Pain is usually worse after activity involving running, kicking or jumping and often goes away with rest. The most likely people to be affected by Osgood Schlatter’s disease […]
Ehlers Danlos Syndromes
This group of thirteen genetic conditions affect the body’s connective tissues. Although grouped together under the same name (EDS), each condition is separate and distinct. They are caused by a gene mutation which may be inherited and cannot be cured. Day to day management of symptoms is often based on Exercise, Physiotherapy and Self-care. The […]
End of Season Reflection
Many athletes will have a year that is typically split into an season and an off-season. For runners and Triathletes their season is during the summer but for many team sports (Football, Rugby, Netball) it’s the winter. At the end of their competitive season most athletes take a well-earned rest for a few weeks. But […]
Collagen and Vitamin C
Collagen Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies and is one of the major building blocks of bones, skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It accounts for about 30% of our protein composition and could be seen as the glue that holds us together. Our body makes this collagen by breaking down the protein […]
Five Painful Conditions that Massage can Help
Massage has been used for thousands of years, in many cultures, to reduce pain and ease tensions. Here are Five common conditions where some Soft Tissue Therapy can often help. Low back pain – Low Back Pain is often caused by lack of movement or a simple muscle strain. Massage can help to loosen stiff […]
Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is usually defined as being pain that lasts for more than a few months. It commonly has no obvious cause and some patients struggle to find help from the usual medical sources. Sometimes there can be a diagnosed reason such as Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Diabetes or IBS, but not always. So why does it […]
Achilles Tendon Injuries
The Achilles Tendon is the largest tendon in your body and connects both of your calf muscles to your heel bone. It enables you to point your toes and stand on tip-toes. It also provides the spring to push off from each step when running or walking. Injuries to this tendon are fairly common, either […]
Deeper is not always better
Sports and Deep Tissue massage has somehow gained a reputation for being painful. I have had clients come to me with stories of gritting their teeth at other massage sessions (not mine) or being warned by friends to expect pain if they want to get a beneficial therapy. This attitude goes along side the “No […]
Stud Injuries
Boots and training shoes that have studs or spikes on the bottom are used in a number of sports in which maintaining grip and control on the ground is crucial. The most common of these sports are football, rugby and athletics. In professional sports the officials take great care to regulate the type and size […]
Daily Healthy Habits
Many people would like to adopt a healthier lifestyle but may not be sure where to start. Here are 9 daily, healthy habits that we can all attempt to incorporate into our lives: 9000 steps per day – Getting more movement into your day is a great start. Steps can be counted with a simple […]
Golf – Injury Prevention
Golf is a low impact sport that is associated with several common injuries. These include problems with lower back, elbows, wrists and shoulders. Golf Courses are popular all year round but many people play more often during the summer months. After a winter of limited playing, how can you avoid injury as well as improving […]
Relationship between Shoulders and Hips
Our hips and shoulders are often areas where we feel tense and achy, but they also have various other attributes in common and can affect each other: The shoulder and pelvic girdles form our Appendicular skeleton and attach our limbs to our trunk, Arms and Legs are attached using a Ball and socket joint which […]
The Big Toe – Importance and Flexibility
The Big, or First toe, plays a vital role in our balance when standing and push off when walking or running. Up to 90% of the control of our foot comes from the flexibility of the big toe. As we push off, our big toe needs to extend. This tightens the plantar fascia across the […]
Spine Facts and Spinal Surgery
Spine Facts The human spine consists of 33 interlocking bones known as Vertebrae. This chain also involves more than 100 joints, 220 ligaments and 120 muscles. Often, medical professionals and therapists split the spine into 5 sections. These are called (from the top down) – Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum and Coccyx. The Spine’s main function […]
Self Care
One of the main excuses we make for lack of self-care is that we don’t have the time. However, if we don’t make time to look after our physical and mental well-being then we get sick and waste more time that way. The trick is to find simple and easy strategies that you enjoy and […]
ACL Reconstruction
The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is one of four ligaments that keep your knee joint stable. It can become damaged during sports that involve twisting at speed such as Skiing, Football, Netball and Ultimate Frisbee. (One of my clients tore hers’ playing this!) Sometimes the injured athlete is able to stabilize their knee without the […]
Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a condition of the nervous system. It causes an overwhelming and irresistible urge to move your legs and can also cause uncomfortable sensations in the feet, calves and thighs. These feelings are often worse in the evening or at night and RLS is associated with involuntary jerking of the legs […]
Pregnancy Massage
Massage has traditionally been used in many cultures to help with the physical and mental effects of pregnancy. Pregnancy massage is customised to your needs and just like regular treatment, it aims to relax tense muscles, ease sore spots, improve circulation and increase mobility. It is a safe, drug-free way to provide relief from a […]
Summer Scar Management Tips
We all know that scars look and feel different from the skin they have replaced, but they also react differently to the sun. Now that Summer is here and we are trying to spend at least part of the day outside, extra care should be taken to avoid direct sunlight on all scars and particularly […]
Flip Flops
Flip Flops may be your choice of footwear during hot, summer days but whilst they are great by the poolside, frequent use of these types of shoes can have a serious impact on your feet and leg health. Let me explain: Flip flops have little or no support in the sole. This means you are […]
The Vagus Nerve
The Vagus Nerve is the longest nerve in your body. Vagus means “Wandering” and this nerve connects your brain to many organs throughout the body including the gut, heart and lungs. Studies have shown that it plays a key part in your Parasympathetic nervous system which is the sub-system that controls our relaxation, digestion and […]
The Hip Flexor Muscles
There are a number of muscles that can flex the hip joint – here is some information about the main three: Psoas, Iliacus and Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL). The Psoas (silent P) muscles are located deep in your abdomen (one each side) and are difficult to locate. It is classed as one muscle and is […]
Mastectomy and Reconstructive Surgery
What is a Mastectomy? A Mastectomy is the medical name for the surgical removal of one or both breasts. It is usually performed as a treatment or preventative measure for breast cancer in both women and men. A Mastectomy is often recommended when the tumour is large or there are multiple tumours throughout the breast. […]
The Gluteal Muscles
The three Gluteal muscles are located in the buttock region. They are: Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus. As its’ name suggests, the Maximus is the largest and creates the rounded mass of the buttocks. Its’ fibers run diagonally starting from the base of the spine/top edge of pelvis and ending at the thigh […]
Ergonomic Lap Top Tips
With most of us working from home at the moment, sometimes with the whole family trying to study and work with limited space, it’s really important to use your laptop in a way that is not going to put stress upon your body and give you more aches and pains. Here are some tips to […]
Look after your Feet
Foot Facts: Did you know that the foot is made up of 26 bones, 19 muscles, 33 joints and 107 ligaments? They are complicated structures and we need to take care of them. Our feet are the base for all our movements, so help your body to get the support it needs by wearing activity-appropriate […]
Sciatica is a symptom, not a diagnosis. The term “Sciatica” means that you have pain radiating down your leg from your buttocks to your feet. Often, it’s not the whole way down the leg, but buttocks and thighs are commonly affected. This pain is caused by compression of the Sciatic nerve. It usually occurs on […]
Got a Stitch?
A stitch is a pain in the abdomen (usually on the side) that’s brought on by exercise. It is medically known as Exercise-related Transient Abdominal Pain (ETAP) and the effects can range from sharp, stabbing pain to mild cramping, aching or pulling. At some point in their lives, most athletes will suffer from this debilitating, […]
Injury Prevention in Junior Sports
Whilst it is well known that childhood participation in sports promotes physical and emotional wellbeing and can encourage a lifelong habit of exercise, too much activity at any age can lead to overuse injuries. Because young athletes are still growing, they are at greater risk of injury than adults and the consequences of overdoing their […]
Factors That Impact Wound Healing and Scaring
We all want our wounds to heal quickly and neatly but it’s a complicated process and sometimes other factors can slow it down. Slow wound healing often causes more scarring as the body gets stuck in the Proliferative phase which is when the new tissue is built. Here are some things that can slow down […]
The Rotator Cuff
The Rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their tendons that act to stabilize the shoulder joint. They all originate from various points on the Scapula (Shoulder blade) and attach onto the head of the Humerus (Upper arm bone). Although the shoulder has a wide range of movements, it is a relatively unstable […]
Skin Health and Wound Care
Whatever our age, we all want to have the healthiest skin that we can achieve. Following these general tips should help you enjoy a smoother skin and may help to make your scars less noticeable: Stay hydrated. Drinking water improves your skin’s elasticity while reducing the signs of dryness and roughness. Eat foods high in […]
Sports Massage Qualification levels
“Sports” massage is normally advertised as being useful to athletes and those that like to keep fit and active. It is claimed that therapists can identify and loosen areas of tightness in the tissues and stop the client from developing injuries. Whilst there are differing opinions on whether this is true or not, there is […]
Common Football Injuries
The most common footballing injuries, not surprisingly, tend to affect your lower limbs. From hips to feet, injuries from running, twisting, tackling and jumping are affecting athletes week in, week out, across the country. So how can you avoid the most common injuries and manage to play the whole season? Here are some ideas, if […]
How Wounds Heal
Your skin is the largest organ of your body and protects you from bacteria and the outside world. It also helps regulate your body temperature, and lets you feel heat and cold, rough and smooth. It is made up of three layers – The epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. Wound Healing: When your skin […]
The Hamstrings
The Hamstrings are a group of three muscles located at the back of the thigh. They are: Biceps Femoris,Semitendinosus andSemimembranosus All three Hamstring muscle originate at the Ischial Tuberosity (Sit bone) of the pelvis and wrap around from the back of the knee to attach onto the Tibia and Fibula bones of the lower leg.These […]
Types of Scars
Your skin type can affect several things – the visible signs of ageing, likelihood of developing acne, resistance to UV rays, and the rate at which scars heal. These are measured on the “Fitzpatrick” Scale. Skin types are grouped by your genetic predisposition to melanin, which is the chemical that provides pigmentation in skin. Dermatologists […]
Swimmers Shoulder
Just as Runners are prone to knee and foot overuse injuries, Swimmers often experience pain in the shoulders. “Swimmers Shoulder” is an umbrella term that can be attributed to any pain in the shoulder area that is not caused by direct trauma. Swimming puts your shoulder joint through a huge range of motion. This has […]
Frequently Asked Questions about Scarwork™ (Scar Massage)
Who can Scarwork™ help? Anyone who has a scar from an accident or surgery could benefit from this gentle massage therapy. Find more information here.Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal but sometimes the process does not go smoothly and the end result is not an ideal repair. As the wound heals, different layers […]
Running in the Heat
Now that Summer has begun, we are all hoping for “good” weather. However, after the heatwave of 2018, we need to be prepared for it to be “too good”. When exercising outdoors during the Summer months it pays to be aware of heat – related problems and plan to avoid them. Here are a few […]
Groin Strain
A strain in the Adductor muscles of the inner thigh is often called a “Groin Strain”. This type of injury is most common in sports that involve sharp increases in speed or change in direction such as Football, Ice Hockey, Gymnastics and Figure Skating. The main symptom of a groin strain is sudden, sharp pain […]
Common complaints about Scars
Many people have scars that cause them no problems at all. However, there are a number of common complaints that I hear from clients who do have issues. When we have surgery or a deep, accidental wound many layers of the body’s structure will be damaged. This includes our nerves. When a scar forms, nerves […]
The Mental Impact of Scars
It is a sad fact of life that many people see scars as a disfigurement. They are often associated with “the bad guy” in a film or we try to cover them with heavy make – up, long sleeves or a high collar. In a society obsessed with beauty, this negative attitude can all too […]
The Quadriceps Group
The Quadriceps group (commonly known as Quads) comprises of four large muscles in the front of the upper leg. They are: Vastus Lateralis (Outer) Vastus Medialis (Inner) Vastus Intermedius (between) and Rectus Femoris The Vastus muscles originate on the upper Femur (thigh bone) and Rectus Femoris from the front of the Ilium (hip bone). All […]
There are many Vitamins and Minerals that our bodies need to stay healthy and active. I do not usually give nutritional advice to my clients but here is a short article covering some facts about Vitamins B, C and D. These particular vitamins are very important in the break down of food to produce energy. […]
Bones and Bone Health
Bone Structure: Our bones play many important roles in the body. They provide our structure, protect our organs, provide an anchor for our muscles and store excess calcium. Although it’s important to build strong and healthy bones during childhood it’s also vital to maintain their health as we age. Low bone mass can be a […]
A muscle cramp is a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles. Almost everyone will suffer with a cramp at some point and often the cause is not known. Though generally harmless, muscle cramps are very painful and can make it temporarilyimpossible to use the affected muscle. Most muscle cramps develop in the leg muscles, particularly in […]
10 Tips to get the most out of your Massage treatment
Whatever style of massage you chose and whoever you decide to work with, here are some top tips to help you get the best out of your appointment: Allow plenty of time to get to your appointment so you are not rushed and stressed before you start. Make sure to ask for directions when you […]
Aqua Therapy for Back Pain
Most people with back ache are told by health professionals, including myself, to move more. The majority of lower back pain is caused by muscular tension and movement should ease that. But if your back hurts and you are feeling lethargic, a trip to the gym or pounding the streets in trainers is probably the […]
Injury prevention for Swimmers
Although swimming is non-load bearing, considered low risk for injury and an excellent sport for all round fitness, overuse injuries can occur due to the repetitive nature of the strokes. Elite swimmers may train for five miles per day and even club swimmers and triathletes will often cover two miles in a session – a […]
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which the median nerve of the arm gets compressed in a narrow tunnel passing through the centre of the wrist. This causes irritation of the nerve leading to tingling, pain and weakness. Typically, this problem affects the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Some people may also experience pain […]
How to chose a Therapist
With many different types of massage available and numerous therapists offering their services, how can you decide where to get the best treatment? Here are some tips that may help: First, decide why you want a massage, then research the different types to see what might be suitable for you. Soft Tissue Therapy is a […]
Female athletes and the Menopause
When we reach Menopause, usually in our late 40s or early 50s many of our biological processes change and find a new “normal”. This changing process usually takes a few years and affects all women in different ways. Periods cease, of course, muscles will shrink and heart rate drops. Therefore, some of these changes will […]
Clicking and Painful Knee?
Do your joints click, crack or pop? Are you worried that this may be a sign of future problems? It’s very normal for your joints to make noises and most of the time it’s absolutely nothing to worry about. It is often caused by a change in pressure in the joint cavity fluids and gasses. […]
Pain as a result of carrying your bag on one shoulder
Many people carry their handbags, backpacks or laptop bags on one shoulder and they tend to have a favourite side to carry it on. Even if the bag is empty and light, the natural slope of the shoulder means that they have to elevate the shoulder blade to prevent the bag from sliding off. This […]
How does Massage ease Pain?
From an early age, we learn that the touch of a hand can ease pain. When a toddler bangs his knee, he’ll instinctively rub the sore spot. Likewise, an office worker with stiff shoulders will probably try to knead out the tension and if an athlete can’t shake the troublesome pain in her calf, she […]
Under and Over Pronation
We often hear the terms Over and Under pronation, particularly with respect to running and running shoes, but what do these terms mean? And why are they important? OVERpronation means that your foot excessively rolls in when you land upon it. Your first and second toes, therefore, take most of the weight. Your shoes will […]
Why Scars are like Mushrooms
Mushrooms: When you see a mushroom emerging from the ground, all you notice is the fruiting body of the fungus. Sometimes they can be tiny, sometimes they group together and sometimes they can be very large and obvious. Regardless of this they all appear to be a relatively confined structure. However, the part you see […]
Why is lack of sleep bad for your health?
We spend almost one third of our lives asleep but many of us suffer from poor sleep quantity and quality. This is likely to be caused by a number of factors with stress, lack of exercise and using screens late in the day often being blamed. If you wake up feeling tired and irritable and […]
Cycling Injury Prevention
Impact injuries Crashes are an unfortunate part of cycling. Potholes, careless drivers and mis-communication amongst group members can all result in you ending up on the road or in the hedge. If you have fallen heavily, seek medical attention in order to rule out any broken bones or concussion. A helmet could save your life […]
Adhesions are fibrous bands, formed in the same way as scar tissue, which inhibit movement between soft tissues. They are often called “knots” and can form in muscles, ligaments or tendons. Sometimes they can form between muscles and nerves which will cause a tingling feeling in arms or legs. Adhesions stop the muscle, ligament or […]
Caesarian Section
When you see how many layers of the abdomen are cut in a Caesarian section to get to the baby, we can realise what a major operation it is. No wonder that sometimes the resulting scarring causes tightness, pain and discomfort. If your C-section scar is feeling tight or sore and causing you discomfort, […]
Spring has sprung and many of us will be starting to spend increasing amounts of time in the garden. Some of this time will be spent relaxing but much of it will be hard physical work. Here are a few tips that should help you to avoid too many aches and pains after working in […]
Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis) is a condition where pain and stiffness develop in the joint to such an extent that the patient finds it difficult to move their arm. This pain and stiffness usually starts gradually, worsens over time and often resolves itself. However, this can take many months. The bones, ligaments and tendons that […]
Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is a condition that produces pain on the outside of the elbow and upper forearm. It is particularly noticeable when bending your arm, gripping small objects or twisting your wrist. It is an overuse injury caused by straining the muscles and tendons of your forearm. As the name suggests, Tennis […]
Headaches and Migraines
Tension Headaches: Tension headaches are the most common form of this condition and many people will experience one at some point in their lives. Teenagers and adults are most likely to be affected, with women suffering more often than men. Symptoms include a dull head pain with feelings of pressure around the forehead, behind the […]
High Heels
High heeled shoes have long been an essential part of smart, fashionable dress. From court shoes at work to sparkly sandals on a night out, many people wear shoes with some kind of heel for large amounts of the day. Apart from aching feet, these un-naturally shaped instruments of torture (ha ha!!!) can have a […]
Sports Injury Prevention
Sports injuries are usually caused in two ways – Impact and Overuse.Impact injuries would come from a fall or tackle whereas Overuse injuries are due to repetitive strain. Overuse injuries are by far the most common in sports people so this article will cover some of the ways that you can help to prevent them. […]
Training in the Cold
It’s mid-winter and very cold, particularly when most people have to do their training (morning and evening), so how can you stay safe and still train well? Here are a few tips and things to consider: Anyone with Asthma, Exercise – induced Bronchitis or Raynaud’s syndrome should speak to their doctor before exercising outside during […]
Motion is Lotion
In my profession, I often hear the expression “Motion is Lotion”. I take this to mean that the more we move, the better we move. Regular movement avoids stiffening of the joints and ensures that blood flow brings essential nutrients and oxygen to the muscles. Our bodies are not designed to remain motionless for any […]
How does Massage improve Sporting Performance?
Soft tissue therapy Massage has been used for centuries to heal, invigorate and relax the mind and body. In order for our bodies to work efficiently, many complex systems have to work together in a co-ordinated way. Soft tissue therapy can help each of these systems to work optimally, boosting general health and well being. […]
Reflexology – Guest Blog by Wendy Rooke
What is Reflexology? Reflexology is a holistic theory and therapy that treats the feet in order to harmonise the flow of energy in the whole body, and so balancing mind, body and spirit. A reflex is when stimulation of one point on the body brings about a response in another point or area. Reflexology uses […]
Stress – How it can affect us
Stress is the body’s reaction to potentially harmful situations. These can be real or perceived but when we feel threatened, a chemical reaction occurs in our bodies that allows us to act and prevent injury. This reaction is often known as the “fight-or-flight” response. During this time our heart rate increases, breathing quickens and blood […]
Kinesiology Taping
Developed in Japan in the 1970s, Kinesiology taping (KTape) has now become a common sight at all major sporting events and is gaining popularity amongst non-elite athletes and the general public. It is commonly used to support joints and muscles when athletes are returning from injury or need some added reassurance to compete in an […]
Proprioception and Balance
Proprioception: Proprioception is the sense of knowing the relative position of ones’ body in space. It is necessary to maintain posture and balance and helps us to co-ordinate movements. The information needed for the brain to know where parts of the body are located without the eyes seeing is provided by proprioceptors. These are located […]
Text Neck
Text neck is a modern term used to describe the neck pain and damage sustained from looking down. Usually at your mobile phone or tablet too frequently and for too long. The human head weighs about 12 pounds and should be positioned directly above the spine. As the angle of deviation from this position increases, […]
Christmas Shopping Hazards
For most people, the festive season includes a large amount of shopping. This can be for food or presents and can be a hazardous pastime. Here are a few things to consider to help you survive and even enjoy this busy time. Being on your feet all day: Always choose comfortable and supportive shoes before […]
Heat or Ice?
When injury strikes or everyday aches and pains need a little attention, it can be hard to decide what action to take. Most people know that Heat and Ice can help but are unsure as to what benefits they will get from each. This summary gives a simple explanation about when to use a cool […]
Training Whilst Injured
Nobody likes to be injured but, unfortunately, it happens to most of us at some time. Overuse injuries are the most common and can sneak up on athletes then suddenly “go”. Often injuries can mean a few weeks when you are unable to follow your usual training routine but that does not mean that you […]
Why are Rest Days important?
When we exercise and ask our muscles to do more work than they are used to, the microscopic fibers inside them tear apart. This “Microtrauma” is perfectly natural and is what enables us to grow stronger. When the muscle fibers are repaired by the body, they are built bigger and stronger so as not to […]
Massage and Mental Health
Massage therapy of all types is becoming a popular treatment for the relief of sports injuries, muscle soreness and everyday aches and pains. However, its’ benefits are more than just physical: it is also an effective way to alleviate stress, depression and anxiety. The usual treatment for many mental illnesses typically includes taking an assortment […]
What to expect from “Sports” Massage or Soft Tissue Therapy
What is STT? Sports Massage can also be known as Deep Tissue or Remedial Massage and in Soft Tissue Therapy additional techniques can be used including assisted stretching, remedial exercises and lifestyle advice. This type of massage can help anyone with everyday aches and pains from office work, manual labour, driving or postural issues. For […]
Types of Massage
There are so many different types of massage practiced in the U.K. and a vast array of therapists offering their services that the whole idea of “getting a massage” to help you feel better may be a little daunting. Here is a short summary of TEN common styles that you may come across. Soft Tissue […]
Air Travel and Deep Vein Thrombosis
What Is Deep Vein Thrombosis? Deep vein thrombosis or DVT, occurs when a blood clot forms in a major vein of the body. This occurs most often in the lower legs and can develop as a result of sitting still for long periods of time. Several factors make DVT more of a threat for those […]
Are you a Corporate Athlete or a Weekend Warrior?
Our modern corporate working life means that many of us struggle to achieve a healthy work : life balance…….. Let alone a work : training : life balance! Whatever level or type of athlete you are, when also holding down a full-time job, there are a number of challenges facing you both physical and logistically, […]
Skin Cancer
Following on from my MASCED (Melanoma and Skin Cancer Early Detection) accreditation, I would like to share the following facts about skin cancer with you all. Skin Cancer is the UKs most common cancer and incident rates are growing faster than any other cancer. It can affect all ages and skin types. Nearly all skin […]
Training whilst travelling
Many of you will be approaching a holiday period or some time out of your usual routine over the next few weeks. Travelling, either for business or pleasure, can play havoc with your training programme if you let it. Here are some tips that may be useful: 1. Plan ahead. If you know when and […]
Foam Rolling
Foam Rolling has become very popular as a form of Self massage, but what does it actually do and is it worth it? As discussed in a previous post, Fascia is a layer of connective tissue under the skin that envelopes all our muscles and organs connecting every part of our body together. The fascia […]
Iliotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is one of the most common causes of ‘Runners Knee’ and accounts for up to a quarter of overuse injuries in runners. The ITB is a thick fibrous band of fascia which originates from the Tensor Fascia Latae (front of hip) and Gluteus Maximus (buttock) muscles of the pelvis, travels over […]
Piriformis Syndrome
The Piriformis muscle is located in the buttocks, beneath the Gluteus Maximus . It runs diagonally from the Sacrum (base of spine) to the top of the Femur (thigh bone) and rotates the hip outwards. It is used to stabilise the hip during walking, running, cycling and climbing so is a very important muscle to […]
Under our skin is a layer of irregular connective tissue that supports and surrounds all the muscles and organs of our body. It is known as Fascia and acts like an all over body stocking which connects everything together. Fascia is made up of a polysaccharide (Starch) complex called Ground Substance which is contained within […]
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease where cartilage gradually thins and becomes rough. The loss of this protective cushion between bone ends can cause them to rub together and results in joint damage. The joints become swollen and painful and over time new osseous tissue is deposited on the bone ends in an attempt by […]
Pre and Post event Massage
With a number of Marathons coming up in the next few weeks and the Triathlon season about to start, here is some information about what you should expect from a pre or post event massage treatment. Soft tissue therapy and massage has been used for centuries to heal, invigorate and relax the mind and body. […]
Shin Splints
Also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (M.T.T.S), “Shin Splints” is a catch – all term for pain felt in the lower leg along the Tibia or shin bone. This injury is common in Runners, Tennis players and Dancers and is classed as an overuse injury. Common causes of shin splints: There can be a […]
Stress Fractures
A stress fracture is a series of microscopic fissures or severe bruising within the bone. It causes localised pain at the fracture site which may increase during exercise and subside during rest periods. Other symptoms may include swelling, tenderness to touch and visible bruising. In healthy adults, stress fractures usually result from repeated strenuous activity […]
Plantar Fasciitis
The plantar fascia is a thick strap of connective tissue that runs from the ball of the foot to the heel. It supports the foot arch and gives us the spring in our step. Plantar Fasciitis is an over use injury of this tissue and causes pain in the heel which sometimes radiates out along […]
Things to know before getting a SPORTS MASSAGE
Although the benefits of Sports massage to both sporty and non-sporty people are numerous and well known – Release of tension in muscles, Improved blood flow, Increased flexibility, Lower blood pressure, Reduced risk of injury and Improved sleep. There are certain things to consider before booking an appointment: 1. If you are new to massage, […]
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
D.O.M.S. is the soreness we feel in our muscles a day or two after a high intensity workout that our body is not yet used it. All athletes can be affected, from beginners to elite. The micro-trauma suffered by the muscle fibres during exercise causes this soreness as the body repairs itself and builds stronger […]
Why is sitting for long periods bad for you?
Lower back pain is very common with office workers and drivers. Sitting all day will lead to the lower abdominal muscles becoming lazy as they do not need to support the torso. This makes them weak and inefficient. When standing, the weak Rectus Abdominis (6 pack muscle) is unable to maintain the correct position of […]
Ligament Sprain
Ligaments are a connective tissue made from collagen fibres and they attach bone to bone at joints. Ligaments help to stabilise the joint and can become damaged if the joint is forced beyond its’ usual range of motion. An example of a commonly damaged ligament is the Anterior Cruciate Ligament of the knee. Sprains of […]
Muscle or Tendon Strain
Muscles work by shortening or “contracting”. They cannot lengthen by themselves. In this way our skeletal muscles can pull on our bones to enable movement. Muscles are “told” to contract by our brain, via our nerves. They contract when they receive an impulse from a motor nerve. These nerve impulses only stimulate a limited number […]
What is the P.R.I.C.E protocol?
During the acute inflammation stage of a soft tissue injury (24 to 48 hours), I would recommend the P.R.I.C.E. or P.OL.I.C.E. procedures: After that, the injury can be managed with a combination of Gentle movement, Soft Tissue Therapy and Rehabilitation exercises. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss. Protect – The damaged […]